3) Affirmations and Spiritual Healing

Here is an example of good affirmations for the manifestation of reality, that includes the clauses that you need:

'I call forth from the universe . . . . . to manifest for me here and now.'

'All the . . . . .  in the universe are here for me now.'

You can ask for whatever you want and fill in the blank - toasters, TV's new houses ect. You wouldn't just ask for material things now would you?

If you are reading this as a Light Worker you may actually find it harder to ask for material things than spiritual. You don't believe in that old dogma that you can only have spiritual things when you are a Spiritual Aspirant do you? That is another idea that has been planted by the Dark Lodge.
Some people believe that you cannot do spiritual healing and charge money for it. If this was the case, then how would you live in the world and be able to offer the service to as many people as possible?

Remember integration is key here and therefore money and possessions are 100% necessary as well. Of course the difference is that being on the spiritual path you are no doubt ready to lose all that you own in an instant!

As a Light Worker you should experience life and do all the same things as the rest of humanity as this is how we can really help. The difference is in the your RESPONSE to those experiences which again is similar to what everyone else, but quintessentially different in essence. If you are a 'master of the universe' you should be able to have everything shouldn't you?
In order for balance to take place the mind and heart must become one. This takes place when all thoughts and feelings are harmonised. At this point what is felt is the ebbs and flows of the collective unconscious as it is passed through the purified system of one who is perfected. The mind must not be too prevalent, and the emotions not too rampant. Men can tend to be overly mental, and women can be overly emotional – although this rule does not always apply.

How can one balance the heart and mind? This means being human emotionally and logically.  However, it also means to realise the higher sense of knowing and to be centred in the heart, manifesting unconditional love.



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