Spiritual Healing UK

Spiritual Growth & Transformation Workshops


These Spiritual Healing classes are available to book in the UK.



Being Human - Saturday 5th of October 

True Spirituality - Saturday 9th of November

Inner Work - Saturday 7th of December

Book Now


Please always ask about workshop availability, as they can be done anywhere if the demand is high enough. Click here to go on the Transformation & Spiritual Healing UK workshops mailing lists.

You can also go on the waiting lists for the specific ‘themed workshops’, or to request classes in other countries around the world.

Spiritual Healing UK Workshops - London & Sheffield

Healing Workshops UK
These workshops are for regular alignment and attunement to the latest energies available. These will be for up to 50 people on a drop in basis.

Training for Ascension in the UK: 
These classes aim to give you a 'download' of energy, that gives you a specific attunement to the theme being covered. They are for up to 30 people, and are at the moment on demand.

Spiritual Transformation: 
These are intensives for small groups of 12 people only per group and are strictly on demand. When enough people have booked, then the class will be arranged.

Healing London - Healing Sheffield