4) A Little Light on Karmic Contracts

Karmic Contracts relate to the people, places and experiences in your lifetime. You agree all your Karmic Contracts before you incarnate down here. Contracts can be quite diverse and of course are fulfilled through the mechanics of your timelines.

You may have for example a contract to live in the world in relative anonymity and ignorance until you are 30 something. Then there could be a contract which says at this point (if you have fulfilled your other contracts) someone one will be sent to you to wake you up, and give you your 'robes of spiritual office'!

When we sit down (upstairs) and arrange the particulars of a specific lifetime, everything has to be agreed before hand by all those parties involved, and of course you own Higher Self. This puts an interesting slant on suffering, and the things you dislike in your life as you agreed to them all before you came down here.

So as your Higher Self sits 'upstairs' before taking a life on earth, in the akaskic records department of the 'Council Offices of the Inner Planes', all these contracts get drawn up. Family is chosen, people who you meet, particularly love/hate relationships which may benefit your progress, and of course any wake up calls that you may be able to bargain into the deal. The older the soul is, the more canny deal cutter they are. Old souls choose carefully the conditions of the lifetime, however a younger soul may be a little more reckless in their choices, and may bite off more than they can chew!

For example:

'You may be designated to awaken when you are 30, and achieve great spiritual advancement by the time you are 60. A canny old soul may say,' Ok, If I factor in having parents who have all the negative qualities that I am trying to get rid of, can I speed my awakening up to the age of 20.' Maybe I will have a crisis or life threatening accident at that point, which will lead to self awareness by the age of 30. By following a God Realised being at that point (a very tricky path in itself which much suffering is released), by the age of 40 you only have 6 lifetimes left on earth'

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